My Story

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Hi Loves! I created this blog to share my ever growing experience and knowledge about fitness, health, and a multitude of other things life has to offer. I'm super goofy & quirky while at the same time being an intellect & book worm. I love animals, horror flicks, and dark chocolate. I will never judge you, so do not judge me. Let's laugh a little and grow a lot.

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Final Post of 2011

Today was the first day that I reflected, and I mean, really reflected on this past year. Needless to say, it was rough. Mostly mentally and emotionally. But through the bad there was a lot of good. I officially got my B.A. and walked at graduation, something I had waited my whole life to do for my parents. I started my first year of graduate school getting my masters in Psychological Counseling, another milestone and I finally feel comfortable in my body. I met some of the most amazing people along the way who have showed me what true friendship is, and what being cared about really feels like. I've gotten closer to my family and got a fantastic job. The worst part of my year was finding out that my Nana had been diagnosed with Dementia. She's slipping away fast and there is nothing any of my family can do. Dementia makes people become a shell. She isn't the Nana I used to know anymore. Now she's full of hallucinations and delusions. It kills me inside to know she has to live through this. It kills me to know that I might have to live through this.

So although this year has had its ups and downs for sure, I am super grateful for my family, my friends and my pets <3 Even though my chance is 98 in human years he's still shaking his booty and that's something to be truly grateful for. I only wish that 2012 will be greater than its predecessor and that I will be successful, strong, and still as loving as I've ever been.

Learn from yesterday, Live for today, and Hope for tomorrow <3

Love as if if you've never been hurt.

<3 deborah brittany

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